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VitalityMDs is a large, 30-plus-employee medical and aesthetics practice in North Scottsdale founded by doctors Russell Bartels and Burt Webb. Together the two men have over 50 years of experience in sexual health, men’s vitality, and women’s wellness, and their experience, charisma, and chemistry are things we were sure to put front in center in all of our efforts. We began an in-depth discovery of all the practice’s services and providers.

Soon we started working individually with the providers, conducting monthly photoshoots to help better connect on a personal level with their target demographic of upper-middle-class men and women 40 and over. In a few months, we managed to double their Instagram following, attracting quality, engaged followers, and focus their advertising efforts around their new, clear brand identity. We helped secure the doctors free appearances on local TV and get them published in relevant online magazines. In addition, we took over their monthly newsletter and revised it to be a more focused, targeted effort.

They have gone above and beyond what they promised. The quality of production provided so far is superior and we have witnessed organic social media growth that exceeds our expectations.

Kelly Chrisbacher
Practice Administrator, VitalityMDs